Tag Archives: benefits

Bitch Get A Job If You Wanna Be RICH!!

Everyone knows the UK hands out benefits like a Selfridges girl hands out J’adore sprayed sticks – but when people start abusing the system and raping it for every penny they can get, that’s where I need to open my mouth and get factual!!

The benefit system was put in place to help people try and get back to work. It is not meant to be a permanent fixture, it is not a wage. As it stands, there are 5.7 million people claiming JSA/Income Support and 2.44 million claiming Disability/Incapacity/Carers allowance. That’s a total of over 8 million people getting hand outs from the government.

Now, I’m not going to sit here and act like I’m above benefits because as a single parent I do need help with things. But I can also say that I am one of the ones who want to go back to work and not have to live off of handouts. The government is too lenient on people aged between 21-39  when it comes to them going back to work and people are too quick to jump on any benefit they can find.

Job Seekers Allowance was put in place to help you while looking for work. It was not put in place so you could get comfortable at home while working people paid you with their taxes. 

Here’s a little sprig of knowledge for you – Did you know that Job Seekers Allowance used to be called Unemployment Benefit but the name was changed as it sounded like a benefit you got paid for not going to work!! By renaming it Job Seekers Allowance, it stopped it from sounding like a reward for laziness and started sounding like it was actually aimed to help you seek employment.

There are claimants out there who are receiving over £175 A WEEK for ONE child alone… That’s £9100 a year NOT INCLUDING Income Support or any other child they may be claiming for. That’s more than what some people get for a working wage!! I dread to think how much you receive in total!!

People who earn over £1000 per month receive zero help when it comes to things such as rent and council tax but people receiving benefits that sometimes exceed £1000 per month still get full help without the bat of a single eyelid. YEAH ‘COS THAT’S FAIR!!

The government are quick to lower pensions, taking money from the elderly to give to people with very little or no work ethics. It’s time to crack the whip!! People who claim extra benefits for whatever reason should be made to show proof of purchases that the money they have been awarded for, for whatever reason, is actually spent on the proper things needed…. and not just used as an extra wedge for shopping!!

Finishing this up now, I think it’s safe to say we live in a country where people would rather label their selves or their children as disabled or incapacitated, rather than get up off their lazy arses and look for work. This surge of spongers take away the rights from the people who truly need these benefits.


It’s time to be ambitious!!