Tag Archives: women

Deadbeats & Bitches!!

This is one of those quick ‘speaking from experience’ blogs. I think it’s needed after a few of the things I’ve been hearing over this weekend!!

LADIES, If your man has a child with someone else – DEAL WITH IT!! Don’t make them choose. No father should be forced to choose between their child or girlfriend because with all REAL men, the outcome will NOT be in your favour!! UNLESS THE MAN IS A COMPLETE SCUMBAG LIKE A CERTAIN TWAT I KNOW!!

There is never an acceptable time for a woman to stop this UNLESS the mother of the child is completely unreasonable in which case you go and seek legal advice and sort things out that way!! The GROWN UP way!! Trust me when I say the only one who is gonna suffer in all of this is that poor child.

My sons Dad (not that he deserves that title) is a prime example of a child, who had a child!! Physically he may be 27, but mentally he’s about 15!! He has never been involved in my son’s life and chose his girlfriend over him! That’s his decision and one day he will learn that it was his loss. He won’t ever get to see what a bright, beautiful, clever little boy he’s got and he made that decision himself!! And if he ever does want to know him, he’ll have to explain where he’s been for the last however long. Would love to see him explaining away the fact that he ‘cheated on Mummy with a crazy northerner and chose her over getting to watch his son grow up’ – just the thought of it makes me feel sick!!

Why do these men put themselves in this position again and again? If you’re not gonna take responsibility for something you helped create then why not stick something on the end of it!! Instead you wait until the poor baby is here before you up sticks and fuck off!! DEADBEATS!! See this is one of those subjects that really wind me up. I see so many Dads who actually want to spend time with their child but the mothers are just so messed up that they really can’t see who they’re really hurting by not allowing access.

There are three different types of Dads – Great Dads, Nightclub Dads & Deadbeat Dads. We all know what a Great Dad is.. That’s a Dad who would die for their child without a second thought, a Dad who devotes his life to making sure his child has everything they could dream of no matter how much blood, sweat and tears it takes to get it. Then we have the Nightclub Dads, the part time Dads who want to pretend they are the real deal but always fail to live up to the Dad title, whether it be by not sticking to set days or times, or not providing enough for the child yet always finding the means to go out raving it up… Then we have the Deadbeats, the lowest of the low, the ones most of us single parents call ‘The Donor’!! These mongrels are just peasants who don’t deserve to be breathing. I swear the ones who create life and then dismiss it like it was nothing to do with them, they make my blood boil. The Dads who can easily walk past their child in the street without even stopping to take a second glance. These vultures don’t belong in this world. Men all around the world are getting women pregnant without really thinking of the consequences and it needs to stop.

Here’s a question to the Men reading this – Which Dad do you want to be? Only you can choose how you act once you have a child, make the right decision please!! 

If the shoe fits, then feel free to wear it!! WARNING : BAD LANGUAGE (LOADS OF IT)

Lets start with the men shall we!

WHO ON GODS GREEN EARTH DO YOU GUYS THINK YOU ARE?? The ones who think its acceptable to go out shagging anything with a pulse regardless of whether you’re in a relationship or not – You are VERMIN!! Your tiny green fungus filled willies will fall off if you don’t start watching who you stick them in!! You ‘Hit n Run’ or ‘Splash n Dash’ without a care in the world, not knowing who you’re diving into bareback, spreading your nasty STD’s all around the gaff!! HERE’S A LITTLE BIT OF KNOWLEDGE FOR YOU FILTHY BOYS – Did you know that over 72% of the CAPITAL’S population (London for those who aren’t geographically aware) do not know that they have contracted an STI/STD of some kind??? Whether it be Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Herpes, they’re all out there you know!! How many of you can honestly say you’ve been tested in the last 6 months?? What makes it worse is that these days you don’t even need to have a stick shoved down your japseye, you can piss in a cup and get the results back in 5 days!! Hell if you’re that worried you could go the the rapid clinics spread across London and have a full M.O.T and get your results back in an hour!! Surely an hours wait in a clinic is better then god knows how long pissing razor blades and wiping pus from your weepy sores!! It’s not gonna be a pretty site when you wake up one morning and your helmet’s green!! JUST SORT IT OUUUUUT!!

Next onto the bullshitters, keeping this short and sweet – If I hear one more man say “You need someone who will treat you like the princess you are” I will jump in a cab to wherever you may be and stamp on your non-existent balls!! Because as all us ladies know, that is the biggest load of bollocks ever and the likeliness of you actually doing that is pretty slim. Just stop with the lies guys 🙂 They ain’t fooling anyone anymore.

Right I think that’s enough of badgering the boys, its time for the girls!!

LADIES LADIES LADIES, where do I actually begin!!

WHO IS GOING TO RESPECT YOU WHEN YOU DON’T RESPECT YOURSELVES!! Speaking from experience, self respect is a crucial thing to have if you’re ever going to get anywhere in this world!! If you go around not caring about what people think of you and not caring what problems you cause for others or the outcome once the damage is done, you are going to wind up very sad and very alone!! Bit by bit I destroyed myself from my mid-teens until the day I found out I was having my beautiful boy!! That is not a road I want to see anyone go down. If it wasn’t for him I would probably be a raving crackhead or possibly dead… Please just respect yourselves!! Don’t wear clothes that leave nothing to the imagination, there is nothing worse then basically seeing what you’ve had for breakfast!! Remember the skirt should be longer than your vagina!! And don’t think the piece I gave the boys doesn’t relate to you also, don’t play games with people, its not big and its not clever!!

I’m finished now.

M x